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2014年台北中央C室內樂團推出「經典系列 I-傳新」,2016年臺北市傳統藝術季中推出「經典系列 II -同窗知音」,2018年推出「社區校園巡演系列」以及「經典系列 III -洞悉東西」等當代經典曲目及世界首演曲目,獲得樂界及愛樂人士的肯定。樂團希望將中西樂器混編的樂曲成為演奏會經典常態曲目,並積極邀約實力派作曲家為樂團編制創作樂曲。中西樂器混編的樂曲自2001年來,受到西方樂壇重視,成為東西文化交流和音樂全球化的新世代現象,在國際音樂節中,往往也成為矚目的焦點。而結合台灣本土文化素材,開創嶄新美學思維,提升國人音樂聆賞素質,並進而結合跨界多元藝術風潮,與國際藝術團體合作接軌,成為全球指標性樂團,是樂團設下的最終目標。

The ensemble C-Camerata Taipei was founded in 2011 as a piano trio and extended in 2014 to a mixed ensemble consisting of 8 Taiwanese musicians (pipa/Chinese lute, dizi/Chinese bamboo flute, sheng/Chinese mouth organ, guzheng/Chinese zither, percussion, piano, violin and violoncello). C-Camerata Taipei presents programs of modern classics and contemporary compositions of our time, especially hosting the speech concerts to introduce the new music to the audience. C-Camerata Taipei has developed concert series focusing mainly the diverse instruments of ensemble, programed the concerts like Inheritage-Innovation (focusing on piano), Soul Mate In Music (focusing on pipa) and Exploration between the West and the East (focusing on violoncello), Winding Tunes (focusing on Dizi), and commissions composers all over the world for the unique formation of this ensemble.


The members of C-Camerata Taipei are very experienced musicians in interpreting the contemporary music and have performed at different new music festivals like Warsaw Autumn, Poland, Hörgänge, Vienna, Austria, Cologne Music Festival, Germany, Music Biennale Zagreb, Croatia, Gaida Contemporary Music Festival, Lithuania, Berliner Festspiele, Germany, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, UK,  Festival Dimension Seoul, Korea, Grenoble Festival, France, Ottawa Chamber Fest, Tazawako Music Festival, Japan etc.. In 2021, being invited to an online concert at the aspekteSalzburg Festival Austria, C-Camerata Taipei bore fruits and achieved a magnificent accomplishment!


C Camerata Taipei consists of 11 musicians:


  • Hui-Kuan Lin/ Pipa /Leader of the C-Camerata

  • Yin Chiang, Mei-Ling Chien /Piano

  • Huei Chiang, Chia-Lun Chang/Violine

  • Chih-Hui Chang/ Violoncello

  • Wen-Ting Chen, Yen-Ting Chen/ Percussion

  • Chung-Hsien Wu/ Chinese Flute

  • Lung-Yi Huang/ Sheng

  • Jing-Mu Kuo/ Guzheng

  • Chao-Ming Tung/ Composer/Electronics/Artistic Curator

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